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 June 17, 2024 
        Stewarttown Secondary Plan Presented to Town Council

SCA PowerPoint Presentation

SCA Comments on Stewartown Secondary Plan

 March 26, 2024 
        Developer's Submission to Council

Developer's Planner Submission

Developer's Lawyer Submission

 April 30,2024 
        SCA Meeting with Town Planners and Councillors

Planning Department responses to Questions from SCA

Planning Department Presentation

 March 25, 2024 
        Presentation to Town Council re Secondary Plan

SCA spoke to Town Council regarding reducing the proposed density in the Expansion Lands.

Click on the PDF icon to read the SCA presentation.

Link to Stewarttown Secondary Plan- Preferred Land Use Plan, and Appendix



 February 26, 2024 
        SCA– Update on Secondary Plan

Residents met at the Town Hall to receive an update on the Expansion Lands and to discuss formation of a not-for-profit organization.

 January 19, 2024 
        SCA– meeting with Staff and Councillors

A committee of residents met with the staff and councillors to discuss project updates, plan overview, provide questions to the staff from the residents, and to discuss next steps. Click on the PDF icon to read the minutes of the meeting.

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